In October, our focus topic was Melody.
Kindergarten and 1st grade worked on high and low sounds
2nd and 3rd grade worked on how pitches move (step, skip, repeat)
4th and 5th grade worked on reading the notes on the staff.
Bulletin Board:
Floor Staff made out of tape! This is great for visual and kinetic learners. Lower grades practice moving up and down. They also practice their step, skips and repeats. The Upper grades practice their note names. Sometimes we use stuffed animals or bean bags, and sometimes we use ours bodies!
I stole this idea from The Sweetest Melody! I would call out a letter and they had to place their erasers on the correct spot. The kids loved playing this in an Around The World style taking on each other two by two.
Not really melody, but I made a new sign for my door to reinforce staff lines and bar lines.