These boys are looking at different metronomes. The digital one is mine that I use when I teach private piano lessons and the older one was my grandmother's. She was also a piano teacher!
3rd Grade reviewed their types of notes by coloring all of the quarter notes to reveal a hidden picture. The worksheet came from Beth's Music Notes.
1st Graders used plates as drums to practice playing a steady beat.
5th Graders created their own rhythms by using body percussion.
This year, I alternate which school I am at on Fridays. At one of my schools, I have to teach in the computer lab. However, at the second school, I am allowed to take the students for an extra music period. I have decided that this extra music will be Fun Fridays! Upper grades were broken into three groups and rotated to different activities. Lower grades enjoyed Mary Poppins and Richard Scary's Best Learning Songs Ever.
Here are some 5th graders playing Wii Music. I was so blessed that the new PE teacher does not like the idea of playing video games in the gym. I am now the proud new owner of a new TV, a Wii and some Dance Dance Revolution pads. Responding to music with movement is one of my SOLs, so I'm excited to get to play video games at school!
A second station was continuing our review of note values. It is a game called Over the Edge that I stole from Pianimation. Jen has so many awesome games with free printables!
Here is a view of all three stations. The third was an instrument match game just like Memory. I got it out of my Ultimate Music Game Book.