Sunday, May 5, 2013

Carnival of the Animals

Last week, grades K-3 did a unit on Camille Saint-Saens' Carnival of the Animals.

Kindergarten watched a puppet version with the music.

1st grade listened to excerpts while I read the above linked book and then colored pictures. (I can't find where I got the coloring pages from!)

2nd and 3rd grade focused on The Elephant and used yarn to create a string bass. It is a really cool idea! I don't remember where I heard it from, though. If you take a piece of yarn and tie a knot to put your finger through, then put your finger to your ear and stretch out the yarn then it will sound like a bass when you pluck it! It was a lot of fun and a great way to review the string family.

They also completed a listening/coloring sheet about Fossils that I stole from Elementary Music Methods.

4th and 5th grade learned some percussion rhythm games. First was the cup game. I sang the scene from the movie "Pitch Perfect" to gain some cool points and then taught them the game. We also learned to play Sevens. When looking for a good way to teach each of these games, I discovered a site called LDS Splash. Their youtube station is a great resource for games for kids.

The Cup Game:


This one isn't percussion, but it is so much fun! I called it "Ptooey"

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