Thursday, May 16, 2013

May Bulletin Boards

"Our Summer Playlist" - 5th Graders picked out songs and I made some ipods.

Composer Spotlight for May is from Today. Danny Elfman, Bruno Mars, John Williams and Alicia Keys.

Random picture of some of my vocal exploration cards. Great way to warm-up even the smallest voices!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Carnival of the Animals

Last week, grades K-3 did a unit on Camille Saint-Saens' Carnival of the Animals.

Kindergarten watched a puppet version with the music.

1st grade listened to excerpts while I read the above linked book and then colored pictures. (I can't find where I got the coloring pages from!)

2nd and 3rd grade focused on The Elephant and used yarn to create a string bass. It is a really cool idea! I don't remember where I heard it from, though. If you take a piece of yarn and tie a knot to put your finger through, then put your finger to your ear and stretch out the yarn then it will sound like a bass when you pluck it! It was a lot of fun and a great way to review the string family.

They also completed a listening/coloring sheet about Fossils that I stole from Elementary Music Methods.

4th and 5th grade learned some percussion rhythm games. First was the cup game. I sang the scene from the movie "Pitch Perfect" to gain some cool points and then taught them the game. We also learned to play Sevens. When looking for a good way to teach each of these games, I discovered a site called LDS Splash. Their youtube station is a great resource for games for kids.

The Cup Game:


This one isn't percussion, but it is so much fun! I called it "Ptooey"

Saturday, May 4, 2013

We Are In Style!

A couple of weeks ago, I did a 'Styles' unit with all of my students.

Upper grades listened to examples from their textbook of various styles of music. I challenged the students to come up with what it is about a song that makes it fit into a specific style.
Here are some of the elements they came up with:
- Instruments
- Tempo
- Rhythm
- Lyrics
- Composer
- Performer
- Where the song came from
 - When the song was written

Kindergarten focused on what was the same and what was different about the same song done in different styles. Did you know Little Richard did a kid's CD? It is awesome! 

Here is a clip of his version of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" from an episode of Full House.

1st Graders took the idea of same and different styles of music a step further by adding different instruments to the songs to change the style of the song.