Friday, January 25, 2013

New Semester

I always like to change a couple of things at the end of each semester. Don't want to get stuck in a rut. :)

Front of my classroom. I kept the "Rockin Behavior Chart" from the beginning of the year. I changed my rules and added made some new posters.

My new set of rules... I mean expectations. They spell music!! 
Make the right sound at the right time.
Use good manners.
Show respect to all.
Involve yourself in activities.
Care for music room equipment.

I talk about pitches, notes and rests so often, I thought it would be a good idea to have a poster for each that I can refer to for those visual learners. I made my notes and rest chart like a fraction chart I noticed in a 4th grade classroom. I saw a couple of lightbulbs go off when I showed it to the students. 

New bulletin board for this semester. I am going to spotlight a period of music every month and discuss three of the composers from that time. I have blank fact sheets beside each composer for the students to fill out. I am bribing them by saying that every time they look up a fact about one of the composers, they will get candy. January is Baroque month!

Close up of Bach and his blank fact sheet.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


In December we started our unit on instruments and making music. We also learned about Tchaikovsky and The Nutcracker.

1st Grade drew a picture of their favorite instrument.


Kindergarten practiced writing and coloring.

2nd Grade listened to the March and Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy and colored a picture to match. 
They also had to write a sentence about The Nutcracker. 

We watched Jim Gamble's puppet version of The Nutcracker. I think the boys liked it better because it wasn't a ballet. :)