Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Are We Going To Play Instruments Today?" UPDATE!!

New Idea For Older GradesI let them make their own band! 
3-5 kids at a time were allowed to pick non-pitched rhythm instruments to play while I played a CD with a rock-style accompaniment. The bands took turns playing "on stage" while the other bands played the role of the crowd cheering and clapping when each performance was over.

What I hope they feel like.

As I said, I just did non-pitched percussion instruments this time and let the students play "free-style". Now my new goal is going to be to get the students comfortable being able to read music. It would really add to the experience if they could also play pitched instruments. Plus, putting order to the whole thing will let the students be able to actually be apart of a legit band!

Added bonus: It teaches the students how to be a good audience. It is a perfect moment to take the time to explain how you should always applaud after someone performs and how in some situation you can even cheer! We just have to remember our voice choices and not scream. 

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